Thursday, August 1, 2024

They're no longer lighting the gas...

...they're just turning it on and trying to asphyxiate us: "Media Mourns ‘Moderate,’ ‘Pragmatic’ Hamas Leader Who Wanted to Kill All the Jews".

The BBC described Haniyeh as “moderate and pragmatic”. Reuters confusingly claimed that, “tough-talking Haniyeh was seen as the more moderate face of Hamas”. “Ismail Haniyeh was the pragmatic face of Hamas,” Sky News told viewers. The Guardian hedged a little by describing Haniyeh as “relatively pragmatic” compared to, say perhaps, the Caliph of ISIS. 

"'We always shout: Death for the sake of Allah is our loftiest aspiration', Haniyeh had claimed."

Well, congratulations, a$$hole! May all your ilk accomplish the same lofty aspiration! And may angels the IDF continue wafting you all to your eternal reward.


  1. Ah, so he gets the "austere religious scholar" treatment?

    I can imagine the headlines from 1945: aspiring painter and war veteran, hailed by many as great patriot, dead of apparent suicide."

  2. Moderate face of Hamas, eh? Pragmatic face of Hamas? Well, now he's the greasy spot on the rug face of Hamas, and I hope the mullahs are thinking to themselves that there's nowhere to hide where the IDF can't get them.

  3. 'Middle Eastern political expert, with a keen interest in the future of Israel'?

  4. why is it that these austere religious scholars are all multibillionares while the people in their countries live in squalor?

    1. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 1, 2024 at 9:13 PM

      Apparently austerity pays much better now than it did in the past.

    2. The religious "scholars" always did well. Their current state is nothing new. Of course, inflation must be factored in.
