Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Does this mean I can stop practicing "duck and cover"?

"Wheezing Past the Graveyard".

The threat of World War Three may have abated for the moment, but in a peculiar and disconcerting way, viz. a coup in the executive branch. The gadfly Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, long ago chief-of-staff to Sec’y of State Colin Powell, reports that the Pentagon has cancelled “Joe Biden,” that is, taken him out of the decision-loop for anything. Well, you ask yourself, how is it possible he had even remained remotely close to any decision-loop this long, in any case, given the problem of his obviously broken brain? But now, it is unofficially official: just eat your mint-chocolate ice-cream and shut up, and let Dr. Jill run those “cabinet meeting” photo ops.


  1. Well, I called it. Where do I pick up my award for "Most Obvious Prediction of 2024?"

    I figure the codes are the responsibility of the WH Chief of Staff, SecState, and SecDef. So if maybe no smarter than President Poopy Pants, at least more lucid.

  2. Does this mean it's now Kamala/Kamala that is the leader of the free world, and makes all the important decisions in the decision-loop that affects our future safety?

    Well, at least she's....not Joe Biden.

  3. well, Milley did it to Trump, didn't say anything to Trump about it at the time, but revealed it and his call to the Chinese in his book; treason or business as usual; seems like the most likely thing is that the military reports to the civilians when they stay in line, but are willing to do a coup if they disagree.

  4. I’ve never believed the President had sole discretion over the nuclear button. I’ve always thought there had to be consensus, even if it was only among something like a triumvirate (President, Sec Def, Joint Chief of Staff Chairman perhaps). Putting that “button” in the hands of one man is madness too far beyond even our feckless government idjits.

  5. Also, just as an aside, they released this letter right away and yet it took forever to get even a partial release of the manifesto by that crazy lesbian who shot up a Christian elementary school. Why is that?

    1. And even the partial "release" was a leak from an insider ... ... the "justice" system did their best to suppress that manifesto.

      They would have succeeded but for the bravery of a dissident police officer and the local newspaper.
