Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sunday funnies


"This is a robbery!" "Oh, sweet!"

Dude, stay!

Something for the kiddies, just in time for Christmas!

From Power Line's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Those spiders on drugs just never get old.

  2. Spiders around my place just wish all they were getting from me is mind-altering drugs.

  3. I love the Jonny Devaney videos, especially the dog breed ones. There's a whole series of them.

    1. The first one I posted was one of the videos featuring the reaction of different breeds to burglars. From then on, I was hooked.

  4. Static electricity IS fun! Shockingly so.

    As far as I know, that is. I've just heard that's true. I wouldn't know personally ... ...

    1. Reminds me of when I was a kid, and Ma Paco would sometimes drag my brother and me to this high-end women's-ware store in Raleigh, NC to buy shoes or something. The place was carpeted, and every time I touched the metal along the display cases I'd get a nasty little shock.

    2. I just remembered how I used to use it against my sister. I'd slide my feet along the rug as I walked up and then touch her arm.
      She'd kick my butt, but it was worth it. I'd be laughing the whole time.

  5. That puppy is too young to train. Maybe give me your paw or sit, but stay is just wasting everyone's time.
    Have you folks seen the new 'Matlock'?
    They say, "This is not the Matlock you expect!"
    Except it's a Kathy Bates.
    So yeah, I would have assumed a female Matlock if asked.

    1. Geez, I thought you were kidding about the "new Matlock", but it's true. I suppose they'll be regendering some other old shows before long ("Barry Tyler Moore", anyone?)

    2. M*A*S*H with Colonel Klinger in charge would be my guess.
