Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The overwhelming stench of something fishy

Mark Steyn has left the "benefit of the doubt" far behind: They Want Him Dead.


  1. No no no... the real danger is Existential Threat To Democracy™ Trump and his inflammatory rhetoric! That's why they have to kill him, in order to preserve Our Precious Democracy™!

    In order to ensure a peaceful and fair political process, the DNC has to kill anybody who stands in the way!

  2. Of course they want him dead and both of these nuts had dreams of being heroes and saving our precious democracy, next up to bat has the same delusion, it's just the when that we don't know; he's been lucky so far, but the dice have no memory.

  3. Not even trying to hide it.
    We killed Epstein, we stole a presidential election, now we're working on killing Trump.
    I wonder where they're planning the gulags for the next crop of Election-Deniers!.

  4. Upstate NY, probably Utica.

    1. If they put it in Elmira, that would be very much in the tradition of the Paco family.

    2. You're probably right tom, but I believe it's called F'in Utica.

    3. I remember you telling me that once.

  5. Eventually, they are going to learn the meaning of FAFO.

    I hope.
