Thursday, October 24, 2024

Another great analytical report from the Babylon Bee

"9 Ways Trump Is Exactly Like Hitler".

Update  I am proud of the U.S. Marines, but I am terribly disappointed in two particular Marines: James Mattis, who was openly insubordinate to Trump - his commander-in-chief - and later sold himself to the Chinese; and John Kirby, an anti-Trump political general who has disgraced himself by engaging in the timely placement of absurd lies: "General Kelly, If You 'Knew' Trump Admired Hitler Why Didn't You Resign?"

Update II  Here's another brass ass hat.


  1. You know, I was going to go with the mustach thing. Hitler had a 'stach. Trump would have one too if he stopped shaving his upper lip.

    Then I clicked on the link and... never mind.

  2. How did we not see this before? Trump isn't just LIKE Hitler - he's Hitler reborn!

  3. Whoa there General McCaffrey, I'm already voting for him, you don't have to sell me.

  4. "Wants to eliminate the deep state and deport illegal aliens!" should be Trump's campaign slogan.

    1. McCaffrey is truly dumb. Does he not know what the deep state represents?
