Sunday, October 6, 2024

Short of a revolution...

...will anyone truly be able to clean out the Augean stables of our government? "Heroes and Zeroes".

And here's a statement I believe in very strongly: "If you are undecided at this stage, you are a moron and shouldn’t vote, or a liar."

I believe the actual number of undecideds is very small, and consists of people who not only don't know what time it is, but don't even know how to tell time.

"So, make up your mind, already!"


  1. Some huge number of people think they're owed other people's money.
    Instead of working for a living, they vote for a living.
    Changing that multi-generational attitide won't be easy.
    The Augean Stables were white-glove ready in comparison.

  2. A big part of the problem is that the mess in the Augean stables of our government is not limited to the left side of the building. It includes too many on the right side of the building that have the power to limit the amount of sh!t coming from the left side of the building, but won't.

  3. One way to clean out the stable is to devolve the bureaucracy from the bubble of Washington DC to the states, and I don't mean the Democrat dominated states around DC or the west coast Liberal enclaves.

    1. That's an idea I've promoted for years. Ship the EPA people to, say, Flint, Michigan, and the DOD to somewhere in Texas.

  4. Trump actually did that for at least one federal agency, the Bureau of Land Management. He appointed a director who moved most of the Washington DC staff out to Denver, CO.

    If you're not familiar with the BLM, the federal government is the largest landowner in the western United States. What's not owned by other federal agencies, the BLM has control. Much of that land is arid grassland or outright desert, but it can used for grazing livestock, recreation, gas/oil production, and other uses.

    And all of the management weenies dictating policy on that land lived inside the Beltway. Their arrogance lead to at least two armed standoffs between the feds and citizens this century, one in Oregon and another in Nevada. The Oregon incident resulted in one death, a citizen shot by a federal agent under questionable circumstance.

    The move was very unpopular, but it did happen. And was promptly reversed after Biden appointed a new director.

    This article provides some context:
