Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sunday funnies

The world's largest hummingbird! 

Dick Cheney Excitedly Joins Democrat Party After Hearing They Get To Shoot People At Gun Ranges

Domestication exacts a price

Italians and Jews

I know there's a fly in here!

Now you can take your morning walk without getting out of bed.

Gregory at the mind is an unexplored country has discovered the perfect visual metaphor for Kamala Harris's career.

Just think how different history might have been if Donald Trump had beaten out Eddie Albert for the role

The great Vaughan Meader and his outstanding JFK impersonation.

From Power Line's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Huh, found a rare video of Donald Trump before he was Literally Hitler.

  2. So cats are immune to Murphy's Law?

    Hmmmm ......

  3. Had to laugh at a comment under the Italians & Jews video: "My mother is Italian, my father is Jewish, and I'm in therapy..."

  4. My older brother bought The First Family album when I was 9 years old. It was funny then, and it's still funny now. Hadn't heard it in many years.

    1. My parents bought the album, too. I believe I have it upstairs in a box somewhere. Even as a kid, I loved it. Years later, I bought David Frye's Richard Nixon, Superstar, which is also hilarious.
