Monday, October 28, 2024

When did "Minnesota nice" become "Minnesota stupid"?

So, the victim is in his yard trimming trees, and a nut across the street shoots him from a window. The police charge the shooter - but let him stay in his own home  for now because...well, I'll let the Minneapolis police chief tell you why this known danger to society is not currently behind bars (at :53 seconds).


  1. Geez. Take away their weapons and give them Nerf guns.

  2. So, basically, this guy is just too dangerous for them to haul off to jail. The motto of the Minneapolis police dept. - "To serve and protect - up to a point".

  3. I see that they did finally enter the guy's home and arrest him, and the Chief admitted they "failed" the victim, so better late than never, I guess. But, have they learned anything?

    1. I can just see the chief when realization dawned: "Hey, wait a minute...we've got guns! And they're loaded! And there's a bunch of us, and only one of him! Let's go!"

  4. Dunno why anybody makes a big deal out of this. I mean, all you gotta do is stay out of the guy's line of sight and he can't shoot at you, right?

    Problem solved, and no need for the racist murdercops to abuse their power.

  5. they admit that the guy is mentally ill, must be a kamala voter, otherwise they would have done a no knock raid and gone in guns blazing.

  6. Some genius in the legal department finally let the police know they could be sued out of existence if somebody else got hurt by that nutjob.

  7. Some genius in the legal department finally let the police know they could be sued out of existence if somebody else got hurt by that nutjob.
