Wednesday, November 20, 2024

All cultures are NOT equal

Iran is governed by a truly barbarous regime, something that would have stood out even in medieval times as an obscenity: "Ahoo Dariyaei’s Revolution".

If they arrest you, what awaits is quite often rape, torture, and death. Most are beaten to death, but if there has been resistance or other to raise the stakes, they can be hung. Keep in mind that rape is a tool, and one mandated years ago by the Ayatollah who decreed that female prisoners of any age were to be raped before execution so they would go to hell and not to heaven. No joke. If you want to learn the horrors that await those who defy these animals, there is plenty out there for you to look up.

Found at Instapundit. 

1 comment:

  1. maybe with maximum pressure sanctions back in place it might happen.
