Thursday, November 21, 2024

End-stage TDS

Rob Reiner has finally gone 'round the bend: "Rob Reiner Drives Himself Bonkers Post-Election, Checks Into a 'Facility'".

Archie Bunker was so right.

"Come right this way, Mr. Reiner. Let's get you settled in next to Michael Moore, won't that be nice?"

Related  That's ok, I'm still fantasizing about Jimmy Kimmel stumbling around blindfolded in one of the pens at Gatorama with his legs wrapped in pork chops: "Jimmy Kimmel Still Fantasizing about Trump in Jail as Lawfare Cases Crumble".


  1. At least he had the courage to realize that he needs help.

    Not that he'll ever have the honesty to admit that he drove himself to that state all on his own.

  2. Off topic, but Breitbart reports that Matt Gaetz has taken himself out of contention for AG.

    1. Yes, it looks like the RINOs got a scalp. They need to be primaried with the support of big donors; maybe Elon Musk.

    2. I wonder if Gaetz was a distraction, a red herring. If so, he did draw a lot or barking ragehounds. But if so, why withdraw now?

  3. It looks like Gaetz thought it was real because he quit his day job, and I don't think that Trump had that in mind, but the new AG nominee sounds like a good choice too.

  4. I hope Rob Reiner, and all those people who have TDS, gets the help he needs.

  5. Mental health institution or drug rehab facility.
