Monday, January 6, 2025


Donald Trump and the people who love to hate him: "Conspiracies Too Awful to Imagine?"

If Merrick Garland had been one of the leaders of the French Revolution, I'm pretty sure his impatient constituents would have guillotined him by now: "With Trump's Return Imminent, Dems Now Direct Their Seething Anger Toward One Man".

Trump's election certified!!! 

More last-minute jackassery from Biden and his minders: "Biden DOJ to Bring Charges in 200 More January 6 Cases at the Last Minute to Throw a Wrench in Trump’s Pardon Plans". Blanket pardon, Mr. President. Smash the donks in the face with the reversal of their fiendish dreams.

Ace takes a brief walk down memory lane with Press Secretary what's-her-name.

All those wimpy American talking heads in the mainstream media who freak out over mean Tweets should read this story to discover the perils that real journalism entails: "Iran Takes Italian Journalist Hostage, Demands Prisoner Swap".

They should change the name of the show to The View From The Asylum...


1 comment:

  1. I remember once I went to a Starbucks for my triple half-decaf hemp latte, and they were out of hemp milk. It was literally the holocaust all over again!

    "Genocide!" I shouted. "Starbucks is literally Hitler! This location is literally Auschwitz!"

    Then they called the police, who literally murdered me by escorting me off the premises.
