Thursday, January 30, 2025

You say that like it's a bad thing

Paul Rosenzweig does some pearl clutching over at The Atlantic, struck by the comprehensive assault by President Trump on the prerogatives and attitudes of the federal bureaucracy. Don Surber, however, is all smiles.

“And what they want is very clear: to take full control of the federal government. Not in the way that typifies every change of administration but in a more extreme way designed to eradicate opposition, disempower federal authority, and cause federal bureaucrats to cower. It is an assault on basic governance.”
In short, it’s what we voted for.


  1. It is an assault on basic governance.

    I would call it an assault on excessive governance. Basic governance is all we really need.

    1. Yes, I believe Rosenzweig needs to consult his dictionary.

  2. Cowering federal bureaucrats is a pleasant image to contemplate.

  3. The Constitution prohibits titles of nobility... so we can add that part to the list of things Dems don't accept about it.

    Next thing you know they'll be quartering troops in our homes without consent. Wait a minute... don't gangs typically call their low level members "soldiers?"

  4. It's funny how they're basically screeching, "Trump's keeping his campaign promises!" and expecting folks to be upset.
