Sunday, February 2, 2025

I think this is great

For our side, that is: "Gun Control Activist David Hogg Elected Vice Chair of DNC".

This guy appears to have leveraged his status as a survivor* of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting to get into Harvard, but I don't think he's ever had anything like a real job. Gun control, overall, has been a losing proposition, except in America's bluest states, and I'm not aware of any successes Hogg has had in his chosen career as a bullhorn against the Second Amendment. So, way to keep slogging on to the terminus of your ideological dead-end street, Democrats.

* My recollection is that Hogg was on campus in a building that was not in the immediate vicinity of the shooter. Mrs. Paco and I walked out of the Dadeland Mall in Kendall on July 11, 1979, advancing into the parking lot, as a gunfight between two rival groups of Colombian "Cocaine cowboys" broke out in a liquor store located near the mall exit we had just used, although we didn't know what was going on until later. I never considered us to be "survivors". 

However, I won't quibble. Hogg was potentially an actual target, whereas Mrs. Paco and I were not (take my word for it); on the other hand, the boys from Medellin did not have the reputation of being precision shooters - more the see-and-spray sort - so there was some risk, I suppose.

In any event, I'll concede Hogg's "survivor" status - but I certainly won't concede his assumption of "absolute moral authority" on the issue of gun control.


  1. at most he's been a community organizer, but probably not.

  2. What exactly are his DEI qualifications for the job?
    Is he Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion?
    I would consider him a poster boy for "White Privilege."

  3. To me the best thing about Hogg is that he failed admission to my old school (UCSD) but the next year Haaaah-vaaaaaahd gave him a slot for no other reason than he was something of a celebrity.

    So much for the Ivies being exclusive.

  4. "Didn't get shot at school" is his whole and entire resume.
