Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Well, that's interesting

Mrs. Paco's brother, who is also strongly pro-Trump, forwarded an email to her that he got from a neighbor (some leftwing tosser) with information concerning the latest nitwit endeavor.

Looks like some outfit, calling itself The People's Union USA, is trying to organize a boycott of big consumer sales outfits on February 28th as a protest against...checks notes...high prices, corporate greed, billionaire's tax breaks, etc. Supposedly a grass roots movement, it is supported by some of the usual idiots: John Leguizamo, Stephen King and Bette Midler. Jon Stewart is also behind it, so you know it already stinks of ignominious failure. 

Here's some background (sorry for the CBS link), and here's the thumbnail image that appeared in the email:

Ok, you know what to do. On Feb. 28th, burn the computers up with Amazon orders and hurry on down to Walmart, Target or any other large store and purchase three months worth of supplies. 


  1. Because nothing says grass roots like Stephen King, John Lequizamo and Bette Midler.

  2. As a matter of fact, I do have a list of books I want to order from Amazon.

  3. They might be raging against the end of wokery and DEI at the chain stores, but the end result is that they're supporting small businesses. And that's been theme on the right for years. But of course the lefties put their own slant on it, so they thought of it before anyone else.
