Friday, March 14, 2025

It's not going away by itself

 Newsflash: Islamic fanaticism never went away. "The West is facing an Islamic holy war".

The West won’t accept that it’s facing an Islamic holy war because it believes it can’t win against the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims. So it’s giving up without even putting up a fight, sheltering instead behind the comforting fiction that if Israel behaved differently everything would be absolutely fine.
It needs instead to take off its blinders, join up the dots and fight like Israel to survive.

Update  This is definitely the wrong way to go about it. 


  1. The Religion of Peace.*

    *After they kill everyone else.

  2. There will never be peace as long as Islam exists. When they run out of victims, they’ll turn on each other, using the excuse of being insufficiently Islamic. War is ingrained in them from birth.
