Sunday, March 2, 2025

Oh, yeah, how'd that go?

The economic blackout scheduled for this past Friday, called for by various lefty individuals and groups, including noted theologian and orator Al Sharpton, fizzled out like a cheap Chinese sparkler in the rain: "'Economic Blackout' Fail".

Btw, Al Sharpton is one of many examples of my observation that the Dunning-Kruger effect is not only not necessarily a bar to career advancement, but, strangely, a frequent catalyst for success. This is not really difficult to understand, however, when one takes into account the cultural medium in which such imbeciles operate, and the unstinting support they receive from like-minded imbeciles. 


  1. Al Sharpton's DEI Boycott Plan:
    Try to buy all you need before Friday, February 28th.

    "Give'em your money on the 27th, not the 28th. That'll show'em we have big brains, and we mean business!!!"

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 2, 2025 at 3:36 PM

    I bought five ammo cans online because I have a bunch of bulk ammo that needs to be properly secured. And then somebody mentioned Moon Pies, which are not available where I live, but Amazon has them so... ordered three cases.

    So bring on the apocalypse! Whoa, wait, I mean after they're delivered!

  3. I meant to buy something today, but there was laundry, and trash to take out. Maybe one of the other blackout days.
