Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In Related News, The Three Little Pigs to Take Over the Department of Housing and Urban Development

Clausewitz, shmauswitz. Winnie the Pooh is the man.


  1. Jayzus! Just when you think it can't get any worse...

  2. Rebecca: It is hilarious in the extreme (yet not at all unsurprising) that Obama's military adviser should turn to the "bear of little brain" for guidance.

    This is not gold, my dear; this is a diamond-studded, platinum-plated whoopie cushion.

  3. I agree it's a treasure trove, paco, but my head still hurts that someone tapped to be the NSA advisor thinks a jar of honey is a genuine military deterrent.

    TW: mfkklzdp

    That's just how I feel.

  4. Sounds like he's got an itchy Tigger finger.

  5. *sigh* I remembered when we used to have adults.

  6. dminor - word verification. Mine is newhpobc, which is good because the old one was getting ratty.

  7. Actually, in my comment, I meant "not at all surprising".

    Incidentally, my sources tell me that Chicken Little is being touted as head of the Environmental Protection agency.

  8. What's TW: mfkklzdp?

    TW = "Turing Word". "mfkklzdp" refers to the "word verification" some people (like me)have to type in to post a comment.

    It's just a joke; sometimes it appears that the word verification reflects your mood, or the slant of the post. This is really amusing when real words are used, not random letters.

    For me, I just felt mfkklzdp, y'know?

    TW: zlhbd

    Ain't nothing there today.

  9. BTW, Karl over at Protein Wisdom discusses Poohgate, and makes an excellent suggestion in his title as to a suitable VP candidate for The Messiah™.

    I mean, c'mon! Who wouldn't vote for Winnie The Pooh?

  10. Mt TW: waczohxu. And I do feel like that sometimes, but not right now.

  11. Is Dora the Explorer going to be put in charge of Foreign Policy?

    And Spongebob Squarepants should be the ideal candidate to oversee water conservation and the environment.

    Professor Farnsworth would be perfect in charge of some kind of engineering role too.

    TW: apjimk. It suits my mood.

  12. But...

    How do we know you're the real Jeff S.?

    You could be a clever Turing machine.

    TW: fdqlaoym

  13. How do we know you're the real Jeff S.?

    Uh oh........WRONWRIGHT!!!!!!!!!! You got some 'splaining to do!!!!

  14. You overlook the requisite Canadian Connection:
    See "Winnie the Bear" in the links left.

