Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

When Obama steps out from his temple tonight – or, perhaps, simply materializes in front of it, like an anthropomorphic blob of ectoplasm – I suspect that the only physical risk to him is that a sudden gust of wind may disintegrate his ethereal manifestation. The risk to his presidential bid, however, is considerably greater.

As Currency Lad points out, B.O. will be accepting the nomination on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s epochal “I Have a Dream” speech. The contrast couldn’t be greater. On the one hand, the martyr to civil rights and a passionate advocate of the color-blind society, a man who braved the threats of white-robed terrorists in order to appeal for simple fair play; on the other, the virtual apotheosis of a racial huckster, who built his early career, not in opposition to, but with the help of, unrepentant terrorists of a different stripe, and who would have us believe that he slept through every sermon preached by his racist pastor for twenty years. The contrast will, of course, be even more pronounced as Obama surrounds himself with the trappings of a stage-Olympus.

I hope they have Michelle pop out of a giant clam shell; then the mythological construct will be complete.


Anonymous said...

Just compare Obama point-for-point with Condoleezza Rice and he evaporates as a fake.

His 'first Black Nominee' status is after all only relatively more than that claimed for Bill Clinton ('first Black President hahaha' his supporters used to smirk). It seems Obama's 'blackness' really is just based on degree of melanin, otherwise what?

Condoleezaa is the real deal, a true African American and a person of exceptional accomplishment worthy of the highest office. Of course she may support Obama for all I know.

Anonymous said...

Or compare Obama to Colin Powell, also highly accomplished.

I keep remembering the 'content of his character' phrase from MLK's speech and can't help but feel Condi or Powell would qualify so much better than Obama.


kc said...

Do ANY of the black citizens of this Nation know Barry ain't one of 'em? He was raised by white folks. He didn't become 'black' till he went to university, did he?


Then again, it's hard to judge someone on the content of their character if they HAVE NO CHARACTER and spend all their time judging people by the color of their skin.

Anonymous said...

Guys, Stanley Kurtz tried to get some details on the Obama Ayers connection and the Obama crew are attacking and slandering him.

This is really low. Kurtz is a decent, meticulous, hardworking scholar.

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk, such cynicism.

Didn't you hear that apex of rectitude, Dickie Durbin, promise a bright, new day for all?

At Tara, one assumes.

Me, I have hope, hope and change. They keep my fluffy bunnies and baby ducks warm at night.

Anonymous said...

Why a clam shell, paco? Why not a giant cake?

Anonymous said...

If one of Obama's parents is white, then why is he perceived as a black?

If his genetic flick had been more white in appearance, would the world be regaling the first black president of the USA? NO!

Obama being black is a con, like the rest of his makeup. Without the 'black' leg up, he wouldn't be where he is today.

A white Obama is no contradiction.

Mehaul of Orstralya

Paco said...

RJ: The goddess, Venus, supposedly emerged from a shell. I figured since B.O. is playing Zeus...

Minicapt said...


Anonymous said...

paco, I was thinking that The One™ could update the legend into modern terms.

RebeccaH said...

Sarah Palin for Vice President! Yippeee!

In your face, Obeyme!

Paco said...

You said it, Rebecca! I was going to post something on Obama's speech tonight, but that's old news, now!

RR Ryan said...

Michelle Obama. Clamshell. Cheap white wine on the keyboard.

RR Ryan said...

And real jeffs, if they wanted to update the legend they would have carried her out on a bed of arugula.