Saturday, February 21, 2009

”Kick Me” Signs Stimulus Results to Have Impact By April 1st

President Obama says that the effects of the stimulus will be felt by April 1st. Very appropriate timing. I wonder what those results will be. An uptick in inflation? The Dow at 6,000? A revival of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Hazard a guess (while you can!) in the comments section.


  1. I believe that the results will be more along these lines, myself.

    Who said Obama doesn't have a sense of humor?

    TW: Obama blessed this comment.

  2. But, hey, if He doesn't follow through with the world's most expensive practical joke, I expect that we'll see the Fairness Doctrine re-enacted through His "localism" strategy, gasoline will cost $4 a gallon (again), and you can't buy ammunition in the stores, due to them being sold out.

  3. jeffs -- "Will Reload for Food!"

    See? When life gives you lemons, make rock soup, or something like that...

  4. 1 Apr 1918- birth of the Royal Air Force
    1 Apr 1924- birth of the Royal Canadian Air Force

    ... must be an Air Force thing ...


    WV: 'biolders'- living rocks.

  5. mincapt -- we call our Air Force April Fools' joke the Key West Agreement of 1948...
