Saturday, February 7, 2009


Republican senators Snow, Collins and Specter, pictured above, are expected to support the cloture vote on the pork gorge-a-palooza known as the "stimulus bill" on Monday. Let there be no mistake: this is not bipartisan legislation. The three liberal Republicans represent nothing more than the lipstick on a very Democratic pig.


Anonymous said...

By "liberal Republicans", Paco, I think you mean "Republicans in Name Only".

I love the photo! It captures their essence perfectly.

richard mcenroe said...

You can share the love with these people by just inserting their names to "" I leave it to y'all to pick which word to replace.

Also Ace has a list of some squishable senators you might want to drop a line to...

TW: chlopr: Deepak was India's finest Harley customizer...

richard mcenroe said...

James Whitmore just passed away. Now on top of Obama and Ahmedinajad and the 'stimulus' and Reid and Pelosi, we're gonna be up to our ass in giant ants...

TW: ovene: when we all get together with our heads in the stove...

richard mcenroe said...

Paco, you were ahead of your time on this development...

TW: Grazoa: an unexpectedly deep flesh wound. "It was just a graz- ooooah..." *THUD*

Paco said...

Richard: Well, you know how it is. Us visionaries are scoffed at, while the next generation turns the ideas into gold.

Very sorry about Whitmore; however, your comment made me laugh out loud. BTW, I've always considered the first 15 minutes or so of Them to be among the best "first quarter hours" of all sci-fi movies.

richard mcenroe said...

Hey, Paco, wronwright, guess what I found?

See you tomorrow.

TW: dylas: The folk music version of Lord of the Rings suffered in the adaptation...