Friday, May 1, 2009

Dr. Biden

“Hi, Joe Biden, here, with a family member, cousin Ernie.

A lot of you right-wing extremists – that’s right, I’m looking at you, Jake Tapper – have taken my remarks about avoiding swine flu out of context. It’s true that I said I’d advised family members to stay off of trains and buses and airplanes – but that’s because we Bidens are mouth-breathers. As a result of hereditary adenoidal problems, it’s difficult for us to breathe through our noses, so we don’t have the advantage of filtering air through our nostril hair.

Well, I’m glad to have cleared that up. Now, if you’ll excuse us, Ernie and I have to catch a cab to the ball game. It usually takes us quite a while to flag one down, for some reason, so we need to get going.”


richard mcenroe said...

Honestly, Packers old chum, you are missing the bois for les arbres, here.

Slow Joseph's gaffe lay not in panicking the good citizens of New York yet again, but in his failure to realize that, in the Obama White House, provoking mass panic is a mere staff level responsibility.

Procedure is everything in such matters, old boy.

Warmest regards,
Frumley Brooks

mojo said...

That reminds me - I have a business proposition to pitch to PACO enterprises.

Call me. We'll do lunch.

SwampWoman said...

Joe Biden answered the question honestly that he was asked. In politics, you never answer the question and, if feet are held to fire, never answer honestly.

(See Al Gore being questioned about whether he is going to profit from carbon cap and trade. He blustered and never answered the question. The truth is his fortune has gone from $2 million to over $100 million in 8 years, and he is positioned to make BILLIONS when carbon cap and trade is enacted.)

Paco said...

Frumles, old top, you are quite right. Biden still has problems delegating.

JeffS said...

Biden can't communicate, let alone delegate. Or even excogitate.

Anonymous said...

Packers, I hate to admit it, but the poor man has trouble spelling "delegating."


Paco said...

Frumley: He probably thinks a delegator is something that sporty shoes are made out of.

JeffS said...

Oho! Here's a twofer: a new unit measure, AND a handy reference scale!