Wednesday, June 3, 2009


1) No offense intended, but of all the things I’m really grateful for, one of the items near the top of the list is that I don’t live in Massachusetts.

2) The IRS has filed a tax lien against John Kerry’s campaign, seeking payment of some 800 g’s. Jammie Wearing Fool has the story AND the classic picture of Kerry wearing an outfit reminiscent of one of the sperm cells in the Woody Allen movie, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex.

3) Are We Lumberjacks? has an embedded video which brilliantly puts Obama’s obscene spending in perspective (really, don’t miss it).

4) Tim Blair discovers a a wonderful bargain (not!)

5) The great Don Surber highlights another gaffe by Joe Biden (keeping track of all of them would be a full-time job for somebody).

6) Australia's oldest man, and last surviving WWI soldier, dies. RIP.


Track-A-'Crat said...


Thank you for the link, much appreciated! Been a busy week with the sister-in-law and niece visiting, so back to more, ahem, "serious" blogging tomorrow...

Paco said...

You're welcome, Track.

What? Just recently married and already the in-laws are visiting?

Anonymous said...

God bless the WWI veterans. I knew many men in my hometown who had served. Some of them had ailments that resulted from being subjected to gas in the trenches. In spite of that, they had a very wonderful perspective on things.

I recall a neighbor in particular. One day my father instructed me - note, he didn't ask me, he told me - to go over to the man's house and help him burn wood. In the Seventies, you could burn things. In fact, we loved burning things. Starting with trash, screw the garbage truck. But extending to wood, clothing, leaves, the JC Penney Christmas catalog with the ladies' longerie section, you name it.

Oh anyway, while the wood was burning, slooooowly, we would engage in conversation. He asked me if I liked history and I said yes. I especially enjoyed reading about WWI and the battles. He reacted happily, explaining that he had been in several including
Chateau Thierry. Wonderful tales he told me.

Quite a gentleman. Like my father who served in the South Pacific in WWII. Quiet, unassuming, modest, upstanding. I'm not sure the men of my generation compare well to them.


Paco said...

I am delighted to hear from you Wronwright! Please drop by more often.

Anonymous said...

I was Googling America's oldest World War I veteran and came across a wonderful and timely quote from that man, Frank Woodruff Buckles.

Paco said...

C.L. That's the grand old spirit. What a shame it seems to be vanishing.