I know, I know; he looks harmless. But then, so does this fellow:

And as Wronwright will be the first to tell you, looks can be deceiving.
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
*sigh* And that's why wronwright lost the contract to design the next generation of Teletubbies...
ReplyDeleteOh my god, I thought I had ridden my memory of Fluffy. I don't know who brought infernal demon to Karl as a new pet, but it was a mistake. I got stuck with the Fluffy detail. If you think he's all fur and fluff, you're wrong. He has three rows of teeth, very long razor sharp claws, and an incredibly mean streak. Actually he reminds me a lot of Karl.
That's not Fluffy, wronwright, that's STITCH.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it? Sure sounds like 'im, anyway.