Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Denounce This Blog…

…before it’s too late! The president has reportedly told left-wing groups to “back off” when it comes to attacking Obama Care opponents.

Oh, wait. I’ve still got time to be denounced. The thought just occurred to me that the reason Obama wants MoveOn and company to back off is because the White House insists on keeping the citizen-bashing all to itself.

I have to say, I am extraordinarily pleased with the way the Tea-Party movement, which came about originally as a result of widespread dissatisfaction with the stimulus bill, has blossomed into a full-scale citizens’ revolt against the whole Democratic Party game plan, from cap-and-trade to socialized health care. And of course, the Democratic response is simultaneously revealing and hilarious (but don’t let your guard down; there’s no reason why buffoons can’t also be tyrants).

Update: Some commenters have already denounced me (thanks!). For service to the State, every snitch will receive the Pavlik Morozov Award.

Update II: Miss Red found something fishy; turns out, it's Obama.

And Rebecca gets into the spirit:
I followed the suggestion. My submission, signed with my full name and location (but not my street address, as I don't want ACORN knocking down my door.

Since you people have asked us, the American public, to cyberspy on our neighbors, I wish to submit two links to the Fishy Statements Police:

As a good citizen, I am also turning myself in as totally opposed to the Obama "health care" plan (i.e., the road to a rationed, socialist single-payer system).

Update III: More denunciation-worthy extremism from Peter Ferrara at The American Spectator


  1. I'll denounce you tonight, Paco, from home. I'll be denouncing myself as well.

    Again, I mean.

    TW: whies. Lies with a lisp? Sounds like the Obamacare Police to me!

  2. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Paco. You made the list. Blow back is on its way.

  3. my letter to the president, which i also posted on my blog
    Dear Mr. President,
    There are too many contradictory reports on what your proposed plan really is, do you intend in the end to have a government takeover of healthcare?
    if so, you will leave healthcare options open to the political whims of the country .. republicans and democrats will change the rules as each one comes into power and that will only create chaos.
    think again before you try to do this disastrous intrusion into our private lives.

  4. I've busy denouncing myself. I even sent them pictures of my streetcorner protest so they can find me.

  5. damn and i thought i was being serious

    vm: hotorsab..she is one hot red head

  6. missred, there's only one problem with your letter - you seem to be assuming that this "disastrous intrusion into our private lives" is an unforeseen circumstance, and that if he just sees the error of his ways, he'll stop before it's too late.

    I think it's the EXACT consequence BarryO and His Merry CongressWeasels are after.

    I'm not widely read, my readership is (thanks Richard) in the low severals, so I'm not important enough to be denounced, but if anyone else would like to volunteer anyway, I'll happily accept the honour.

  7. Denouncement sent! You as well as a few other blogs.

    Once I get the reward, drinks are on me! That'll really stimulate the economy.

    TW: queryo. I can query O(bama)? Really? Great! OK, here it is:

    Mr. President, WTF?!!?!?!?!? Seriously, dude, W. T. F. !??!?!?!

  8. Comrade Paco: I must admit I did not understand what all this was about until I translated this...

    There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

    into the original Newspeak...

    If you know anyper engaged in crimethink, who has malquoted the Admin, who dares speakwrite untruth about Goodhealth, who believes in Oldthink, who thinks Miniplenty is ungood, who commits facecrime at a townhall: this is all doubleplusungood and you must report it to Miniluv at because these prols are unmutual and must be speedsent to joycamps.

    I am UNMUTUAL and will be denouncing myself [and you and your friends] shortly.

    Tea Bags Is People!

  9. Quoted from and linked to at:

    Denounced at:

  10. Herewith the text of the e-mail I just sent to

    To Whom It May Concern...
    Under your definition, I--someone who believes in a free market-based health care system--am espousing 'fishy' views [your DHS did certify me, after all, a 'Rightwing (sic) Extremist'].

    Under my definition of the word, everything members of the Administration have said about the current and proposed Health Care System is not simply fishy, but rotten fishy.

    However, as the President put it so succinctly: 'I won'. Therefore I must conclude that your fishy definition of 'fishy' is the one that you abide by [for the moment--you are relativists, after all, and proud of it] and this is the definition you want us to apply in these denunciations.

    Therefore, herewith, wherein, and heretofore, I turn my self in as a purveyor of 'fishy' views with the understanding that I will immediately be classified in your database as 'UNMUTUAL' [I would only request that the number you assign me is '6'].

    I know that after proper re-education, I will be able to say with pride: 'It is all right, everything is all right, the struggle is finished. I have had won a victory over myself. I love Big Brother'. I also know that, at that point, I will be declared an 'unperson'.

    Awaiting speedsend to joycamp, I remain...
    Robert Oswald Belvedere, American

