Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Next Time, Take the Train

Richard McEnroe points out that our congressional oligarchs have voted themselves some $200 million to buy three luxury jets, in which to comfortably ensconce their ample rumps when jetting about the USA and beyond.

Possibly this is intended to ensure a quick getaway in the event that they are driven from power by their enraged constituents (in which case my feelings are somewhat mixed).

More from Roll Call.


  1. I don't mind if they flee the country on those jets.

    So long as they don't come back.

  2. Let's send 'em away anyway. Quarantine 'em someplace nice...Abu Dhabi?

    One way, cuz we want the jets back.

    TW: contra - why yes, I am that.

  3. I hear Gitmo is going to be available soon. Maybe we can bring back hijackings to Cuba.


  4. Bishop’s office did not return several calls requesting comment for this story.

    This is the most telling sentence in the entire article. It says: "We do what we want with your money, and you peasants just shut up."
