Here's an idea: if the donks do this, every Republican member of the Senate and the House should walk out. And padlock the doors behind them.
Tea-Party updates: Michelle Malkin has a good picture from a live cam, and Carol's got Lakeland, Florida covered. Gateway Pundit's on top of the inevitable bomb threat, and Dan Riehl says the crowds in Washington are looking big.
Stacy and friends report.
A great picture (H/T: Instapundit; enjoy your Pacolanche, Glenn!)

As per the first comment at Gateway Pundit:
ReplyDeleteDemanding your own way is not "trying to strike a deal."
The Dhimmicrats would be fools to use "reconciliation". If nothing else, it would prove Obama is a liar.
But his posturing on this matter has been for the benefit of his supporters, not the whole of America. GP makes a good point: this will be the pretense for reconciliation, as thin as it is.
But thin is all Obama has. Otherwise, ObamaCare is as dead as Julius Ceaser.
Let them. Then his Bill and their Congress are history...
ReplyDeleteIf Obama tries to push this and it fails because the Dems in Congress know they'll lose their cushy jobs and perks, I think the humiliation would be too much for him.
ReplyDeleteHey, a girl can dream.