Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama Continues to Conduct War Against People Without Guns Who Don't Want to Kill Us

Epic fail as White House tries to ban Fox News from the press pool; other networks stand by Fox.

Contrast with President Rollover's approach to dealing with genuine bad guys.

Update: Allahpundit has this hilarious take on Obama's constant whining about Fox News: "[W]e’ve reached the point where, purely out of self-interest, we may need to start worrying about this guy being on the red line with Medvedev, chatting about nukes, and letting his mind wander to what Sean Hannity said about him that night."

Update II: Hey, at least Barry's not losing any sleep over it.


  1. Obama is bent on turning America into a third-rate banana republic, where every town square has a statue of him. Having him in charge of the military, and the huge Federal law enforcement community, is terrifying.

    And, anticipating leftie trolls, I do not believe that I exaggerate. This is my firm opinion. I would like to be proven wrong. But this "war on Fox" just turned really ugly with the White House retaliation.

    Even Nixon wasn't that stupid or vindictive. Chavez, however, IS that stupid and vindictive. And it's clear just which role model Obama prefers to follow.

  2. Jeff: I hope u ar not kwestioning there smartnes!

  3. Seriously, this is unbelievably dumb, as well as being vindictive. Can you just imagine what would have happened if Bush had pulled something like this with CBS? Hell, Dan Rather would still be somebody!

  4. HALP US, JON CARRY!!!!!!

  5. Worse than dumb, Paco. It's a leap onto the slippery slope. A deliberate one.

    Note to Emmanuel and Axelrod: You ain't in Chicago. Get real.

  6. "Dan Rather would still be a somebody." Aw geeeez! I have a few more market stats to pull down and then it's bedtime for bonzo here. I don't need any nightmares or acid reflux thank you very much.

    Wasn't it our intrepid reporter who made his mark by "bravely confronting" Nixon in that now (in)famous news conference?


    ... just thinking ...


  8. The White House is going to find Fox News a much tougher target than Joe Wurzelbacher.

    Paraphrasing Ruth Marcus from Wapo -- it's dumb to pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel and it's even dumber to pick a fight with people who don't need to buy ink.


  9. At least the other networks finally took a stand and refused to go along. And it must have really hurt, too.
