Friday, October 2, 2009

RINO Alert

Not so fast there, John McCain.

That there Other McCain has a few words to say against the proposition.

No, Johnny, I don't reckon we'uns are a' gonna follow yew to perdition a second time. How about it, boys?

"Hell, no, Cap'n Paco!"

Update: Don Surber has a related story on comments by one of McCain's campaign "geniuses".


  1. Oh, yay. The RNC -- and John McCain -- continues to be clueless.

    Another reason not to send either one a red cent.

  2. Just great, an uphill struggle against two opponents.

    Lemme see if I got this. He wants to replace one moderate Republican governor of CA with another moderate! If that makes sense to anyone out there please explain it to me.

    We ran on this platform in 2008 and got thumped. Isn't insanity defined as trying the same thing an expecting a different outcome?

    Bears repeating again and again and again. Reagan won by bringing people to him with his message that reonated with the people.

  3. Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You:

    John McCain
    Michael Steele
    John Cornyn
    Newt Gingrich
    Mitt Romney
    Mike Huckabee


    "The Vile Bunch"

    (Please excuse the quality of the picture during exhibition, ladies and gentlemen: it's a very old print...)

  4. McCain: “I think it’s important, at this stage in my career, to try to support candidates that I think represent the next generation of leadership in the Republican Party --"

    (Salesman clambers up on the stage)

    McCain (Cont.): What the hell do you think you're doing...?

    Salesman: Well, you've got a crowd together, Senator, and that's half my job, so...

    McCain: I'm trying to raise a posse here!

    Salesman: And you're doing a heck of a job, I'm sure. (to crowd) Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens, friends... (holds up a copy of "Going Rogue")Meet... the future!

    (Extra credit if you guess the movie)

  5. "The Network"?

    "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

    After what John McCain did to Sarah Palin, I wouldn't spit on him if his ass was on fire.

  6. "Spit"... much more ladylike, yes. *g*
