Friday, October 2, 2009

That Teetering Toddling Town

Looks like Barry struck out on his bid to snag the Olympic games for Chicago. Maybe he can kill some time by giving General McChrystal another 25 minutes to talk about Afghanistan.

I understand that the International Olympic Committee threw a bone to the U.S. by agreeing to create some new Chicago-themed events:

1) The "Pol" vault: contestants will attempt to pole vault over a stack of FBI wiretap transcripts of Rod Blagojevich's telephone conversations.

2) The lobbyist relay race: athletes will run around a track carrying suitcases full of cash which they will hand off to their partners.

3) Steel-cage gangsta death match: self-explanatory.

Update: This really is a shame, especially since Chicago had already paid to have a special Olympics logo designed.

Image cheerfully pinched from Theo Spark

Update II: Carol in the comments section has dreamed up some more new Olympic events:

Liecrosse: Who can catch the most lies in Obama's speeches?

Field Hockey: How many CIA agents can be tanked in the field?

Gymnasties: Who can insult more people than Nancy Pelosi?

Fencing: Can we all get epee-epeed up?

Diving: You're all wet, Obama!

Water Polo: Let's kick Poland's ass around the pool!

Triathlon: Lose the Olympics, Cap and Trade, and Healthcare. BUSTED!

And check out her blog! Some good stuff, there.


JeffS said...

Heh! I read that some CNN reporter commented, "Oh, to be a fly on the wall in Air Force One!"

BTW, the IOC is now officially RAAAAACIST for opposing Obama's agenda. Jimmy Carter said so.

SwampWoman said...

ROFL! If only he were as impressive as he thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

Let me see, the President, First Lady, chief advisor/friend Valerie Jarret, gal pal Oprah, and others wisk off to Denmark to impress the IOC with their dazzling presence. But...
All the King's horses,
And All the King's friends,
Couldn't get the IOC
to give them the bid.

Idea for an Oprah show: dealing with rejection.

Deborah Leigh

Anonymous said...



What one does when they walki.

Carol Boyer Kelly said...

Other games:

Liecrosse: Who can catch the most lies in Obama's speeches?

Field Hockey: How many CIA agents can be tanked in the field?

Gymnasties: Who can insult more people than Nancy Pelosi?

Fencing: Can we all get epee-epeed up?

Diving: You're all wet, Obama!

Water Polo: Let's kick Poland's ass around the pool!

Triathlon: Lose the Olympics, Cap and Trade, and Healthcare. BUSTED!

Rugby: Wallow on the rug and pitch a hissy like Pelosi and Barney.

RebeccaH said...

Also, there are new rules of Olympic boxing: they have to do it in the street with boards and brass knuckles.

richard mcenroe said...

rebeccaH -- If it's Chicago boxing, the rules also require than your opponent have his arms pinned.