Sunday, November 15, 2009

Balding RINO, Whose Columns and TV Appearances Suggest Thesis Work Toward a Graduate Degree in Pratfalls from Clown College, in the News Again

That would be David Brooks, of course, who considers Sarah Palin a “joke” but actually thinks Barack Obama – who has lately been making like a drinking bird - is an intellectual titan.


  1. Too bad Brooks whored himself out to the NYT.....he would have made a fine dog catcher in McMurdo Station.

  2. McMurdo Station-Ha! Even that would be a chilling prospect.:)

    I heard he is trying to leverage his new fame with a movie. Preliminary title: Balding RINO, Hidden Intellect.
    Top special effect: Flying over a synapse.

    Going straight to video.

  3. I think this post is an insult to drinking birds. I, myself, have a soft spot for them, and you have to admit, they are not noisy.

  4. Rebecca: Yeah, but they're a little...mesmerizing.
