Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Turn Mental Illness Into Blog Profits!

We all eagerly await Addled Andrew’s seminar on this subject. But while we wait, we can enjoy Stacy McCain’s latest example of why this would be a shrewd marketing move for Sullivan. Dollar-denominated delusions, baby!

What I find especially amusing is Sullivan’s notion that he is in a position to demand an accounting from Sarah Palin on anything, particularly given his bizarre, embarrassing and highly vocal fascination with Trig Palin’s parentage. I believe he still styles himself a Catholic and a kind of “generalissimo” of “true” conservatism, but the last thing we need – and certainly, a thing we need never pay any serious attention to – is Francisco Franco in a pink uniform.


  1. Sullivan is a desperate, frightened little man who fears he will disappear into oblivion. As well he should.

  2. In a pink uniform. With ruffles, a la Liberace.

    Of course, Liberace had class. That makes the difference.

  3. Liberace had TALENT. AND class. Doesn't seem to be allowed anymore in certain circles.

  4. When you are reminded of Anxious Andi, just remember: RAWMUSLGLUTES.


  5. Don't mention Liberace where Sullivan can hear you or we're liable to start hearing about HIS long-lost brother George...

  6. Thanks for that link, Paco. It really cheered up my morning.
