Sunday, November 1, 2009

Looking for Three Up and Three Down on Tuesday

Might not happen, but we're within striking distance. And think of what a wonderful anniversary present it would make for Barry. It could also have a beneficial effect on everything from health care to cap-and-trade; not, of course, because two Republican governors and a Conservative Party congressman can directly turn the tide, but a sweep on Tuesday would serve as a powerful object lesson to "moderate" Republicans and blue-dog Democrats, and an ominous portent of their election chances in 2010 and 2012 should they knuckle under to Hope in Chains.

1 comment:

  1. The Yojimbo peers out from beneath his authentic Doughboy hat, rips off his gas mask and asks "Is it over yet?" Geez!

    I stopped answering the phone it was getting so bad..
