Sunday, November 1, 2009

More Than Three Times Longer Than the Bible...

...but with five times as many plagues.


Yojimbo said...

I was thinking(Oh say it ain't so Yojimbo!) the other day. The healthcare plan will establish several commissions that will dictate the amount of healthcare that the government can afford instead of giving you the type of healthcare that redoubts to your benefit. It will also intimidate doctors into possibly restricting the amount of healthcare they give you if they start to fall in a very high percentile.

So why would a pro-chioice woman be in favor of this since it will cede control of her body to an entity other than herself?

Juust a gentle muse on a Monday afternoon.:)

Yojimbo said...

Because maybe it's about power and control by a political class instead of talking points.-anonymous

Good point, anon., I'll have to ponder on that.