Monday, November 16, 2009

Scout's Honor

Listen, wise guys, we ain’t gonna put up wit’ some rival mob cuttin’ into our territory, see? De Purple Gang has dibs on maintainin’ parks and such like, an' if sump’n needs to be done, we’ll do it – at union wage rates, an' double-time on weekends, when we can get aroun’ to it, wedder permittin’ an' barrin’ holidays an' sick-outs. So unless ya wanna have to eat dat merit badge, sonny, back off!

Update: Steve Burri has a photo of the scout's merit badge.


  1. I dunno. Seems like another convert to the sane side of life (and the younger the better), courtesy of the Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight.

  2. The fact that the walkway needed cleaning at all speaks ill of the union. If they had been doing their job in the first place, Kevin Anderson would have to find a different project.
