Monday, November 2, 2009

Who Whom?

Lenin’s famously minimalist distillation of the primary issue in power struggles (i.e., who will prevail over whom) is more relevant today than ever. Under the Obama regime, we know the “whom”: those of us who believe in the traditional American values of individual liberty and personal responsibility, a healthy private sector and a strong national defense. We pretty much know the “who”, as well, but it’s always interesting to put names and faces to the sometimes amorphous blob that passes under various rubrics - progressivism, socialism, statism. Michelle Malkin provides an instructive rundown on the White House visitors list.

1 comment:

  1. Slightly on topic, slightly off.

    Who will prevail over whom? You could argue that re the Gore/Monckton storm that's brewing, dare one say, percolating, nicely.
