Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Maybe Gibbs would come across better if his microphone were turned off
Presidential spokes-goober Robert Gibbs took a few digs at the Tea-Party movement the other day. In the new spirit of bi-partisanship, I think Gibbs ought to meet privately with some Tea-Party folks for a frank exchange of ideas…

Incidentally, close observers of the press conference may have noticed the representative of Paco World News Daily (PWND), who responded to Gibbs and then invited his fellow correspondents to weigh in on the relative merits of Gibbs and his boss.

Department of Anthropogenic Global Stupidity.
What happens when you combine junk science with government meddling? Fatalities.

I can’t get enough of those Hitler-in-the-bunker videos!
Via Smitty at The Other McCain.

Where do I apply?
Looks like poor Ralph Kramden was born a few decades too soon.

The incumbency disease
Why Harry Reid’s coming loss will come as a big surprise to him and to him alone.


  1. "Anthropogenic Global Stupidity."

    Can't argue with the destruction potential for that one.

  2. Robert Gibbs is the only presidential spokesman (spokes-goober, hah!) that I have ever wanted to smash in the face with a can of Crisco. The man just oozes smugness.

  3. Would the can be opened or closed, Rebecca? He's already greasy enough.


