Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lab-Quality Stupid

Stacy McCain has the perfect example of a liberal who hits the nail squarely on her thumb (see the update to Stacy's original post).


JeffS said...

Re: Stacey's update.

Jeez. Submission and the Stockholm Syndrome rolled up into sexual assault. The left continue their slide into the abyss at an astonishing rate.

RebeccaH said...

Those people have no self-respect at all.

TimT said...

Well what I took away from the first story is mostly 'Bill Ayers is a f*ing arsehole.' She seems to have had very little choice in the matter.

Paco said...

Tim: I'm referring to the second story in which the woman blames, not her attacker, but "white oppression".

TimT said...

Oh okay, your summary of that story is a good one. Wasn't sure initially.