Monday, July 26, 2010

Another antipodal dog story

First we had the case of a dog in New Zealand that shot his master in the buttocks with a rifle.

Now we've got a dog in Australia that was denied entrance to a restaurant because he was gay.


RebeccaH said...

I have to wonder what's served at that restaurant. Falafel? Couscous? Boiled goat eyes?

It would explain a lot.

bruce said...

Look, ok, the secret is out. Yes there is a big problem with Gay Dogs in Australia, this story is just the tip of the iceberg. Fortunately there are places where gay dogs can go and be with their own kind:

Not sure if your dog is gay? Take the test:

bruce said...

There's also an old movie with Petula Clark:

bingbing said...

Would you really want a gay dog in your restaurant?

Steve Skubinna said...

I am especially appreciative that the restaurant is giving the blind guy...

...a written apology.

See, that's nuance.

Paco said...

Steve: HAW! I hadn't even noticed that.

Skeeter said...

To give this story more credence, it must be said that many Australians (including our new Prime Minister) pronounce the word gay so that it sounds more like guy to non-antipodal speakers of English.