Monday, July 5, 2010

One of these days, Osama - Pow! - Straight to the moon!

In one of the more bizarre policy initiatives of an increasingly bizarre administration, President Obama's NASA administrator, Charles Bolden, indicated that one of his principal objectives is to "reach out to Muslims":
NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Of those three goals, Bolden said in a recent interview with al-Jazeera, the mission to reach out to Muslims is “perhaps foremost,” because it will help Islamic nations “feel good” about their scientific accomplishments [emphasis mine].
Now, unless this is part of a devious, super-secret plan to lure Muslim terrorists onto a rocket for a one-way trip to the moon (Operation Ralph Kramden?), it's difficult to see the sense of the proposal. In the first place, Muslim countries will most likely view this outreach as another of the administration's acts of cringing ingratiation that so thoroughly smack of weakness. Secondly, it seems like a move of unwitting condescension, in which the U.S. pats the Muslims on the head and tells them what splendid fellows they are for having had ancestors who made important contributions to math and science, oh, some four or five hundred years ago.

This is an administration that manages to get everything wrong, from the big policies to the small gestures. Obama is like, I dunno, Hulk-Carter, smashing our society with brute, super-strong incompetence. Hurry 2012!


  1. Oh come on. The Muslims surely deserve some recognition for all those Nobel prizes in science and math, and all those marvelous inventions they've come up with, and that truly heroic contribution to the space program. Oh, wait a minute...

  2. Why are there no Muslims on Star Trek's USS Enterprise?

    It's the future...

  3. Why are there no Muslims on ST's USS Enterprise?

    BECAUSE it's the future.


  4. Pish, everyone knows that NASA is, and always has been, about nerds firing big pieces of metal machinery at gigantic pieces of rock that are floating aimlessly around the night sky.

    Then again, nerds firing big pieces of metal machinery at gigantic pieces of rock that are floating aimlessly around the night sky sure makes me feel good about myself. Maybe it can inspire a little joy and feel-goodiness in the Muslim world as well.

  5. There's another issue here as well.

    Since when do Adminstration officials give interviews to al-Jazeera, the terrorists network of choice?

    That channel used to drive Donald Rumsfeld into fits of rage. Now Obama's flying monkeys are appearing on it. Jeez!


    Is rocket technology that waning you need their help?

  7. Hey RebeccaH, think Al Gore.

    Paco, gotta love Ralph Kramden. But no disrespect to Ralph, the moon is too close. I'm thinking "To infinity and beyond!"

    Deborah Leigh

  8. Oops! Forgot. Good point Mojo. And Richard is right, of course.

  9. Breaking news over here in Australia, "Us sues Arizona over immigration". Is Obama spitting the dummy or something?

  10. Merilyn: From what I've been reading, the administration has filed a suit based on (relatively) weak grounds. If the Arizona law had gone beyond the federal law, then the feds might actually have a case based on "preemption". I'm not sure they'll have such an easy time proving that.
