Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yer better orf, mites, tyke my wud for it

Obama decides to give Australia a miss.


  1. Really. Trust us on this.

    And maybe Indonesia will keep him.

  2. Don't disagree, I am, however, a little puzzled that the post headline appears to have been written in a cockney-geordie dialect. Australian you say?

    Hmmm, I suspect relying on the Plebian Accents Construction Organisation may not have been the wisest choice.

    It's interesting how little attention this has got down here. When the visit was at first deferred it was a big deal and seen as depriving the then PM Kevin Rudd of a poll boost. But now no one one seems to care. But of course we are being favoured by a visit from fellow Chicago resident Oprah which has got everyone very excited. Perhaps this says it all about the Obama presidency?

  3. cac: Probably that East-Ender I hired as a temp to type post titles.

  4. Oprah is as much fluff and nonsense as Obama, but at least she was never a community organizer. Just a flaming hypocrite.

    An entertaining one, mind you. But still a hypocrite.

  5. Paco, maaate, you stick with yer murrican accent - leave the strine to the strayans ...

    ... try this documentary for an Australian accent style guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4sjyrmSXOw

  6. Think you might be right about that East-Ender Paco, ah, that's um more "Cockney" than Australian.

  7. Paco, you'll have to stop listening to our Prime Minister. This is better.


  8. Maybe the Aussies declined to erect a stage with Greek pillars for The One's visit? Or perhaps The Messiah thought his dulcet tones and collegial pronunciation would be lost on the Crocodile Dundees of that nation?

    Really, Australia, you haven't missed a thing. We don't even want him to visit us in our various states.

  9. Started writing a comment but it ended up as this monstrosity. There's probably an unintended international insult in there somewhere, um, if it comes to war between our two nations don't forget to pop over for tea.

  10. I'm more offended by the miserable attempt at an accent in the heading.
