Sunday, October 3, 2010

South of the Border

Grenade attacks in Monterrey, pirates on the Texas border. When, if ever, is this administration going to take the situation in Mexico seriously? (And, yes, that's a rhetorical question).


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the two mayors who were stoned recently. The ruthlessness of the Mexican cartels make Al Queda look like pikers. They're so good at using the AQ playbook that you'd think they're being coached. Wonder if....

RebeccaH said...

This administration will never take the Mexican violence seriously until the country collapses into all-out civil war (not far off, now), and it rolls over our border and starts killing Americans wholesale. Even then, Obama will probably lecture the border states about racism.

bingbing said...

Not exactly the same as crossing over from Austria to Germany from what I hear.

Not to worry. Follow the demographic trends and that type of tomfollery won't be an issue in Europe in 50 years time.

As for you guys, we're having major problems in Oz from illegal boat arrivals.

The "tolerant" bile-spewing Left argues Australia just let in all and sundry.

Crime-rate statistics, when available, would suggest this isn't the best approach.