Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is it just me, or does it seem to be getting kinda socialistic around here ?

Nobody does Grade-A snark like Jeff G.
So shut up and deal with what are essentially garden variety Democrats (who love this country just as much as you do and want to see it succeed in ways different than you, which, I shouldn’t have to note, doesn’t make them bad people, or suggest any kind of, say, transformative intent on their part), you barbarian, extremist, word rapers. And for Chrissakes, stop bitching about Obama’s appointments of left-wing radicals to governmental entities like the NLRB, or for sure we’ll lose the moderates and independents this next election cycle.


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's just you. Or just me.

I think it's kinda scary...

RebeccaH said...

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

Anonymous said...

There was great hope that the fires of communism had died with the Soviet Union. Alas, the obituary was premature. The seemingly dieing embers continue to be stoked, and there is evidence of rekindling in actions to numerous like those of the NLRB, to the watchful eyes of Texas school food big brothers, to mandatory fitted sheets in California.

It is up to the CEO where to locate the company. Tell the socialist to go pound sand.

Deborah Leigh

bingbing said...

Didn't you get the memo? The VRWC has always been the Vast Right Wing Community.