Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fast and Spurious (Continued)

What happens when your fall guy decides, instead of throwing himself on his sword, to talk to congressional investigators with his personal lawyer in attendance? And without your prior knowledge? Well, Attorney General Eric Holder just found out, as acting chief of the ATF Kenneth Melson proves to be a whistleblower in his own right.

And here's the letter that Senator Grassley and Rep. Issa sent to Holder as a result of their little chat with Melson. They are not amused.


RebeccaH said...

I like to think of Melson's testimony as the "throw me to the wolves, and I'm taking all you bastards down with me" syndrome.

Nashville Beat said...

Melson has his faults (who doesn't), but he is a career federal prosecutor with a sense of honor. That is something so foreign to the minions of the White House that it never occurred to them that he would actually tell the truth.

JeffS said...

Melson looks to be more of a good guy than I earlier thought. And he's an SESer to boot -- I have very few good things to say about that collection of parasites. Good on him.

And I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall of the room Holder's in when he reads that letter. Heh!

mojo said...

Gee, why wouldn't he want a Justice Department lawyer, I wonder?

Paco said...

Mojo: Just one of life's mysteries.

JeffS said...

I've worked with many a goobermint lawyer. I wouldn't hire them to clean my toilet.

rinardman said...

Two things you can count on:
Obama's spin docs will be working overtime on this....and the MSM will be all over it, calling for heads to roll.

OK, the second one....not so much.


JorgXMcKie said...

JeffS, I'd hire the govt lawyers to clean my toilet if that meant keeping them from whatever it is they're doing now.