Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greetings, fellow terrorists!

Pat Austin analyzes the new civility. Sounds a lot like the old incivility, to me.

Update: Haw! Rep. The Right Reverend Emanuel Cleaver - leader of the Congressional Black Caucus - calls the proposed new debt deal a "sugar-coated Satan sandwich". I'll have mine with spicy fries, Rev!

Update II: Join the Tatler for the great Satan Sandwich Contest!!!


  1. Senator Rubio chastised fellow Senators and the White House for using the phrase "TEA Party extremists".

    And then Senator McCain (RINO-AZ) called them "hobbits".

    And, back at the start, TEA Party members were dismissed as chumps and yokels, a bunch of bitter gun & Bible clingers from flyover country ignoring the advice of their intellectual "superiors".

    If the lefties are increasing the hate, it sounds like the TEA Party is being effective to me!

  2. "Eating the Satan Sandwich" must mean having to work for a living...

  3. Michael Savage says that liberalism is a mental illness. Members of the congressional black caucus, aclu, DWS, Obama etc. make opposing that statement difficult.

    I realize that the previous sentence is not very civil but I am as some senators said a "Tea Party extremist". Maybe even a hobbit as the chief rino said. I have certainly been called worse since part of my military career included the Viet Nam war.

  4. No, no, Kartman, we are now officially "terrorists". Slow Joe Hairplugs said so.

  5. Thanks RebeccaH. That makes me feel much better especially since Slow Joe said so.

    I had not heard slow joe hairplugs before. I like that name.

  6. Is the Tea Party setting up terrorist training camps? I could use a little training, as long as there isn't a lot of PT.

    I'm getting old, you know!


  7. rinardman, evidently the only weapons you need to be a Tea Party Terrorist are a set off principles and the ability to say, "No!" or even, when necessary, "Hell, no!" That wouldn't seem to take a lot of PT.
