Thursday, July 7, 2011

Koch Brothers to Sen. Patty Murray

Get bent.


  1. Straightforward. I like that. Out loud and in front of people.

    As it should be.

    Democrat party is probably peeing their Pampers in horror.

  2. Senator Murray makes a box of rocks look like a genius. And she's my senator. Which makes this incident especially tasty.

    TW: axings. Yes, AI, that's exactly what we need, a lot of politicians axed off the public teat.

  3. It just occured to me that David Koch is a sponsor of PBS's NOVA science program. Strange bedfellows? Not according to the BMs at Watchdog Progressive.

    It's a conspiracy by Koch: eliminate government funding for PBS, so he can take over control of NOVA to do a little "greenwashing" of AGW.

    Seems to me it be easier for him to just go ahead and donate to the DSCC, and buy some anti-AGW votes.


  4. This is just par for the course for the Democratic Party. I have never seen a bigger collection of stumblebums, morons, idiots, and cretins in my life.

  5. Rebeccah: Heh. I had to find some way of moving those dribble mugs.

  6. As always, most business donations to democrats are a form of paying protection. "You think it's bad now? wait untill I get re-elected, you ain't seen nothing yet"

  7. You might enjoy the rest of the story as recounted here:


  8. The DSCC response was quite tasteless, Minicapt, considering how the DSCC screwed the pooch in the first place.

    But not surprising. Unfortunately.
