Thursday, September 15, 2011


Love him or hate him, Rick Perry exhibited the kind of class, on at least one occasion, that I find admirable. A touching recollection of the joy he brought into one life - quietly and privately.


  1. I'm pretty sure Rick Perry is another slick politician, but he has this going for him: He's done OK by Texas in terms of economy and jobs, he has pride in his state and his country, and if he wins the presidency, he couldn't do one-tenth the damage Barack Obama has done, nor would he try.

    Plus, and this is the kicker, he knows what it's like to work your way up from nothing.

  2. I don't have a problem with the vaccine. Probably should be given to boys and girls, though, because HPV also causes anal cancer.

  3. Like most other preventable communicable disease vaccinations, the HPV vaccination should be an opt-out process that you have to certify in order for your children to go to school.

    And not having it [for any reason other than religious practice] should leave your family open to a damage suit if you don't and end up causing harm to another.

  4. Just as an aside, when the Gardasil vaccine became available, my daughter promptly had her daughter vaccinated, a decision I applauded.

    And if nothing else, this little controversy has made me not want Michelle Bachmann for president.
