Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When bozos collide

Well, well! President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard will be meeting in November. Will a single room be able to contain so much genius?

The Bloomberg article linked above is largely full of crap, incidentally. A sample:
Both are likable politicians who inspire visceral and often inexplicable dislike and face daunting levels of opposition from cynical foes out to derail their every effort.

Meanwhile, Obama's economy just keep setting new records.


  1. Visceral dislike?

    No I don't think anyone, except those she upset in her own party, actually dislike Gillard. Simply disagree strongly, and are deeply disappointed with her bending over to the crazy Greens.

    For Kevin Rudd on the other hand, the words 'visceral dislike' are not strong enough to describe the feelings he inspires.

    Did you hear Rudd actually bought Twitter followers, with taxpayers money of course, so he could get a million followers? A new form of Narcissistic Supply?

  2. Obama and Julia are so alike in the way they look at the world, that one wonders if they are related in some way.

    Sorry to disagree Bruce but feel there is a lot of dislike for Julia, when reading the different blogs and from emails you can't fail to pick up the "vibes"as they say.

  3. Obambi won't spend anytime with Joolya for two reasons (that I've thought of so far): 1. She doesn't play golf. 2. She's a woman - he doesn't spend time with any that he doesn't absolutely have to. 3. Her aproval rating is even worse than his.

  4. Noted that it's written by a bloke in Tokyo. That's like getting someone in Lima to write about events in Toronto.


  5. Bruce: That bit about Rudd buying followers is amazing!

  6. "Likable" my shattered clavicle.

    I'm thinking Albury Shifton is onto something here. The Current Occupant's Wife may have given standing orders about The Occupant's time with other women - even political women, it seems.

    So, who DID Obumbo date before her? Anyone know?

  7. I've always maintained that Julia is a clone of Nancy Pelosi. Maybe we'll get 'em in the same room, and find out for sure.

    And no doubt Michelle has forbidden Obama from sampling the fruits of office. She saw what happened to Bubba, after all. Hillary likely gave her lots of advice.
