Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another czar(ina)?

Did you know that we have an “Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues”? Well, thanks to Smitty, now you do.

And Don Surber comes up with an absolutely classic line: “The second term of Jimmy Carter is going about as well as the first one.”


  1. Women "are on the frontline of, and suffer disproportionately from, the impact of sexual mutilation in Islamic countries".

    There, fixed.

    Wouldn't want to deal with real issues though, perish the thought.

  2. Women "are on the frontline of, and suffer disproportionately from, a lack of equal status and economic opportunity in Islamic countries".

    There, fixed.

  3. There's also Obama's Ambassador to the Organisation of Islamic Countries.

  4. I'd say the second term of Jimmy Carter is performing rather worse than the first one.
