Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Breaking bread with bomb throwers

Scott Johnson at Powerline brings us an interesting bit of news about a fundraiser for the Illinois Humanities Council. There are twelve items up for bid; item 2 is dinner with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Frankly, if the money weren’t going to something as obviously pernicious as the Illinois Humanities Council, I might have made a bid, myself. Imagine the blog fodder!

Me: “Gee, that was a delicious dinner Bill, Bernardine. Is dessert included?"

Bill: “Sure, whatever you want.”

Me: “Waiter, please bring me two cream pies.”

Unrelated update: Speaking of bomb throwers, Nancy Pelosi’s threat to divulge information she had access to while serving on the Ethics Committee that investigated Newt Gingrich seems to have blown up in her face.

Like everything else with Democrats, ethics is simply a one-edged sword.


  1. I don't know whether to be gratified, or mortified, that our politicians (all of them) have so much dirt on each other that none of them dares to dish.

    That said, this is one case where I can luxuriate in a bathtub full of schadenfreude, so much do I despise the Wicked Witch of the House (even more so than I dislike the Twisted Imp of the House).

  2. Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, suggested that her comments have been misconstrued beyond the leader’s intent.

    If her intent was to show herself as a classless, vindictive biatch, I think she succeeded quite admirably!

  3. You're being too kind by half, rinardman. But I agree in principle.

  4. Bill, Bernadine, did you know my vest is wired with explosives? And unstable.

  5. Deborah Leigh said... Liberty, that would be a little technicality that I could live with. Not so much for Bernie and Bill. Such a pity.

    Re: Pelosi. Poor Unit Pelosi. She suffers from delusions. Still thinks she has the big gavel. In addition, she is forgetful of the modern electronic devices that are able to confirm the diagnoses of foot-in-mouth disease. Just give her a shovel, and let her look for her pony. It's Christmas!
