Friday, February 10, 2012

And a new expression is born

As strong and healthy as a dead Bank of America customer.
Arthur Livingston, of Prosperity, S.C., may feel prosperous and alive, but his credit report says, "File not scored because subject is deceased."

That's because Livingston's bank, Bank of America, has been reporting him as deceased to the three major credit agencies since May 2009, he said.

Bank of America has still not resolved the issue, even after media attention, causing headaches for Livingston, 39, and his family in South Carolina.
Dude, try emailing this guy. He's all about helping the little people.


  1. Numbered, stamped, and bar-coded from birth.

    America, land of the free. /SARC!

  2. Dang. Seems like some ambulance chasers would be salivating at the thought of the pain and suffering award that a jury would be handing over to said man and his family, and be engaging in fisticuffs over the chance to represent him.

    I HATE BoA. Were I on a jury, I'd be more than happy to hand over all their assets (assuming that they have any) to that man for their refusal to fix the mistake.

  3. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't deal with Bank of America. At all.

  4. Was he the chap who mentioned, in passing, that he considered beef better for BBQ?


  5. I had a brother who had a BoA account. Once. He hasn't since.
